TEACHING GOOD ORAL HEALTH LESSONS CAN BE CHALLENGING for parents with even the most eager children. I was very excited to see that the National Museum of Dentistry has developed a new resource to help parents of children with autism spectrum disorder succeed in teaching good oral healthcare.
Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others – including the dentist.
The National Museum of Dentistry was interested & motivated to develop this empowering new oral health resource based on some of these dental facts:
13% of U.S. children and adolescents ages 17 and under (over 9 million) have a special health care need.
- One in five households includes children with special health care needs.
- Autism affects 1 in every 110 kids and 1 in every 70 boys in the United States.
- Oral hygiene may be the most important risk indicator for new cavities in children with autism spectrum disorder.
- Children with special needs have higher rates of poor oral hygiene, gingivitis, and periodontal disease than the general public.
- Medications, special diets, and oral motor habits can cause oral health problems for many children with special needs.
- Dental care is the leading unmet health care need among children with special needs.
- Across all income levels, children with special needs are almost twice more likely to have an unmet oral health care need than their peers without special needs.
This oral health guide is a great resource for ALL parents as they teach their little ones healthy dental habits for a lifetime.
This unique teaching guide provides:
- Many helpful tips to make brushing and flossing fun and successful
- How to prepare your child for their first dental visit
- A comprehensive series of visual sequence cards to help your child understand the steps of brushing and flossing, visiting the dentist, and a picture dictionary
Again, I am excited to be able to pass on the news of this resource. You might be a little surprised that there is a National Museum of Dentistry located in Baltimore, Maryland. This one of a kind museum is an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution and provides amazing exhibits and learning opportunities.
Please take time to share this guide with other parents you know. Comfort Dental strives to be a resource for extraordinary dental care in the Lafayette, Indiana community. If you have dental questions, please feel free to Ask the Dentists – or we are happy to discuss your questions at your next visit. We hope to see you soon!