ARE YOU USING LESS ICE IN YOUR DRINKS LATELY? Having pain with tooth sensitivity?
Comfort Dental recognizes that having some general sensitivity can be ongoing or a periodic problem for many people. Let’s face it, regardless of the level of pain, having tooth sensitivity is unpleasant.
WHAT TYPICALLY BRINGS ON TOOTH SENSITIVITY? Among the most common are sweet or sour foods, as well as hot or cold temperatures. The simple act of biting down can send some people through the roof. The resulting pain can range from mild to very sharp shooting pain directly to the nerve endings.
DON’T TRY TO SIMPLY IGNORE THE PAIN! If the pain is long-lasting or severe, you should probably make an appointment. It can be much easier to address the causes of tooth sensitivity early before it grows to a chronic problem on a Saturday evening or when you are away on a trip.
HERE ARE 6 BASIC TOOTH SENSITIVITY BUSTERS from your friends at Comfort Dental:
TARTER PREVENTION – Don’t let bacteria filled tarter build-up on your teeth & increase your risk for exposing nerves due to gum recession and the increased potential for gum disease.
- DON’T BEAT-UP ON YOUR GUMS – Using a soft-bristled toothbrush causes less abrasion and also reduces likelihood of gum recession & exposed nerves.
- SENSITIVITY TOOTHPASTE – There are several brands of sensitivity toothpaste that – WHEN USED REGULARLY – help decrease tooth sensitivity.
FLUORIDE MOUTHWASHES – Daily use of a fluoride mouthwash, available at your nearest retailer, can also reduce sensitivity.
- CUT OUT THE ACID YOU PUT IN YOUR MOUTH – Acidic foods and drinks can contribute to dissolving the enamel on your teeth causing increased sensitivity. Soft drinks and sport drinks are high in acid, such as citric acid – which boosts the flavor & your sensitivity.
- DRINK SOME WATER – Drinking water after eating or drinking those acidic “problem-causers” can help neutralize your mouth.
A COUPLE MORE CULPRITS TO CONSIDER…. Are you Clenching OR Grinding Your Teeth?
Teeth grinding and clenching can also lead to enamel wear, which can cause sensitivity (and a host of other problems). Simply telling yourself to stop this behavior, especially if you are going through a stressful period, may not be easy.
If you suspect clenching or grinding your teeth may be contributing to your sensitivity, Dr. Brucken or Dr. Stubbs may be able to help. Nightguards for example can help significantly. Learn more about symptoms and solutions.
Do Your Symptoms Match a Cracked Tooth?
Many people with cracked tooth syndrome have symptoms for months. Cracked tooth syndrome often have pain that is not always predictable. It is most common in lower back teeth (molars) because these teeth absorb most of the forces of chewing. Learn more about symptoms and solutions.
Comfort Dental wants to be a great information resource for preventing and solving tooth sensitivity issues. If you have further questions about this topic or other dental issues – please feel free to Ask the Dentists. We are here to help!